I can't believe it is that time of year already! This will be my 25th year of attending what is arguably the world's top Ed Tech show. What will be new? Who will really wow the crowds? Only one way to find out and that is to attend.

I'm looking forward to meeting up with all of my professional friends and also the companies that I support. I've been asked by BETT to host two sessions for them in their Professional Development theatres.
Wednesday BETT 2020 North Hall PD Theatre 11:00
Thursday BETT 2020 South Hall PD Theatre 14:00
Please pop by to say hello and sit in on some of the very interesting line up of sessions.

If you can't attend BETT in person then you can tune in to BETT Radio with my good friend Russel Prue. Details will be found on his twitter feed @russellprue
BETT Awards - This is on Wednesday evening and I shall be attending with one of my schools Pheasey Park Farm Primary School who are one of only three schools shortlisted for the prestigious BETT impact award.
I have already written a separate blog post about their amazing work.
Please make contact with me at one of the sessions outlined above or via the contact form on this website.
Enjoy BETT 2020!!